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What does fantasy mean to me? It means a place I go to, to dream. It’s a person I aspire to be. It’s a life I yearn to live, or a situation that I am extending an invitation to. It means my hopes, my dreams my desires. Sometimes it means events that are unlikely to happen and others it means envisioning what I desperately want. Fantasy means a lot to me; I would be lost without it.

I believe everyone has fantasies. Some people have more than others; I certainly do. But we all dream, don’t we? Who hasn’t imagined the big house, the lottery win, the date with a supermodel or movie star, the fast car, the diamonds? Or maybe the less selfish among us dream of a world where there is no war, no hunger, no abuse and no fear. And there are people whose fantasies consist of what many of us take for granted; a hot meal, a roof over their head, being able to keep warm on a cold day, not feeling lonely. Dreams feed our souls and keep us alive; they make us who we are.

I believe that fantasies are a part of life and I am a fantasist. Not the type of fantasist who confuses fantasy and reality, trust me I know the difference, but I do have many, many fantasies. They inspire us; they motivate us they take us out of our normal day to day lives. They let us live in another world, a better world, a world we aspire to, rather than actually have.

Some may argue with me, there are people who never dream because they are happy with their lives. I probably wouldn’t believe them but then if I did, I would say that people who never fantasise definitely lack ambition.

It’s not always easy though. How many times do we say ‘it wasn’t supposed to be like this?’ This wasn’t what we imagined, or dreamed. That’s reality. I am not saying that fantasy and reality can never be the same, but let’s face it, it doesn’t always happen. Especially if you aim high with your fantasies, which I certainly do. To me, life is a constant battle between fantasy and reality, or a constant shifting of fantasy to take reality into account. Does that make sense?

Because those battles, that shift, are a huge factor in my life. I have had to accept reality many times, when I would rather have my fantasy. I have had to accept reality when it is so awful; it’s like my worst enemy. But what I won’t do is lose my fantasies altogether, they are loyal friends to me. Reality fights fantasy and I am often the casualty of that war. But I will never give up on my dreams, and I will never stop searching for my Happily Ever After.

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